Whether you see it in mixed martial arts or boxing fights, action-movies even, there is always that one thing that brings excitement into the crowd when it comes to watching fist fights: the powerful punches. Many people believe that punching power is a gift, which is true to some extent, but act... View Post
The roundhouse kick is among the most known yet devastating moves in the Muay Thai scene, hence its superiority. This seemingly simple kick is, however, far from being simple as many Muay Thai athletes train for years on end to perfect this single, deadly move. Plus, kicks are also worth more poi... View Post
It is often hard to decide on a pair of Jiu Jitsu Gi’s, especially considering their price, it's basically an investment. However, the price should be the least of your concerns as other factors like weave types, fit and styles are at the centre of the “Jiu Jitsu starter pack” dilemma! But don't ... View Post