
Smai Power Ab Wheel


Size Chart

A strong core is a requirement that no serious athlete would dare to neglect. If you’re looking to become more powerful in your squat, quicker in your 100m sprint or prevent lower back injuries – you will need a stable foundation to work from. Whether you call it an exercise wheel, ab wheel or abdominal roller, we have created a product that will target your core exclusively.

Thanks to the unique roll out movement which requires your abdominal region to maintain pelvic and spinal stability to correctly perform the exercise, your abs will be on fire in no time.

The large 14” diameter wheel allows you a lot more stability in all types of core exercises. Handle bars are 22” in width and also have stirrups to lock in your feet for a variety of other core building exercises.


    Material: moulded plastic discs

    Steel rod through centre

    Rubber grips

    Feet holsters