Title Elbows In Boxing Trainer
Put an end to the constant reminder to “keep your elbows-in” with this revolutionary training tool. Improves your technique, form and ultimately your punching power because you will be throwing every punch accurately. Easily slips on and off with rep-designed arm loops. Constructed with a semi-elastic/polyester material that has a slight give, making it more comfortable, useful for various size fighters and also washable. Available in three sizes. Colors may vary.
Put an end to the constant reminder to “keep your elbows-in” with this revolutionary training tool
Improves your technique, form and ultimately your punching power because you will be throwing every punch accurately
Easily slips on and off with rep-designed arm loops
Constructed with a semi-elastic/polyester material that has a slight give, making it more comfortable, useful for various size fighters and also washable
Available in three sizes, Color may vary